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Ashley Turns One

09 December 2009. Wednesday

I seriously think that my blog's gone to Neverland. I've left blog world for so long, if they ever had a rule on dormant blog sites, mine would have vanished into thin air !

In my hiatus from blogsphere, both the kiddos have taken over our space and lives. Aiden turned 3 in June and Ashley's now 13 months old. How time flies. Hats off to mummies who have to work and get home to cook dinner, put the kids to sleep and then log on to blog. I seriously need time management here. By the time both kids are in la-la land, I too would have joined them, if not any earlier.

Last month, we celebrated Ashley's first birthday with family and close friends. Of course, the party would not be complete if we did not have red eggs (especially for 1st birthdays...) and loads of food. So I took the easy way out > catering from a reliable nyonya restaurant at Damansara Perdana. No mess & easy peasy. MIL insisted on making her curry kapitan even though we could have catered, but I was not one who was going to complain.
And of course, any parent who has organized parties for children would tell you their woes in creating goodie bags that caters to children of various ages and gender unbiased. I know I know..... you might think why would you have goodie bags for guests attending your baby's 1 year old??? Well, it's like this.... when your baby has an older sibling, and when your baby can't fend for him/herself, the older sibling will automatically claim that it's his/her party and therefore entitled to invite his friends. So our poor Ashley had to settle for her older brother singing the birthday song to himself, blowing her candle and cutting her cake (claiming that she's too small to hold a plastic knife - 'it's dangerous ah').
All in all, a good party. Oh by the way, most of Ashley's presents have been claimed (confiscated) by the tai-kor-tai.....

Ashley in her dress ready for her party

Yummy fruit jelly cake we ordered for her birthday. (Costs us a bomb!)

The 'morning after' ....opening pressies from uncles, aunties and friends.


chanelwong said...

Blessed Birthday to Ashley....
Such a big girl in the pretty dresss....

Adino said...

Welcome back!

Ashley looks like an adorable fairy in that dress.

Good idea catering, otherwise you would have spent the day cooking instead of spending it with birthday girl.

The jelly cake looks very detailed. Did you get it from the store in 1U?

mom2ashley said...

what a pretty birthday cake!
and happy belated birthday to Ashley!

A Mom's Diary said...

Happy Belated Bday Ashley. And haha, any prize for guessing the caterer correctly? The cake looks super, btw.

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