Birthday Celebration with Paternal Grandmother and In-Laws
10 June 2008, Tuesday
* backdated post - had this drafted out, but did not post it earlier*
The privilege of having 2 birthday parties means double the food, double the fun & celebration and Aiden gets to blow candles for 2 cakes! We had the second 'makan session' last Sunday at MIL's favorite restaurant – Oriental Pavillion @ Jaya 33, PJ.
Two incidents happened on that day, well... something that we did not expect anyway. First one was that I totally forgot all about my brother who was supposed to have lunch with us. The point being I was supposed to fetch him to the restaurant, but we were already halfway there when I realized what had happened. OMG! When I called him, he was still asleep (12 noon) and finally sleep won and he didn’t manage to make it. I was a bit sore about the whole thing as I wanted to have him around since my parents were still in Japan.
We took a drive to Taman Desa to pick up Aiden's Elmo jelly cake prior to lunch. I must say this lady's house is amazing – she had at least 3 large Fisher & Paykel fridge in her home to store all her jelly cakes and her whole garden is full of fragrant pandan plants.
Okay, less talk and some photos to share:

Aiden's Elmo Jelly Cake

shake, shake, shake... what's in there?
Second incident: Aiden was really chatty yesterday and more active than usual. It makes me wonder if he was aware that it is his big day. I think he had a little too much to eat; one whole bowl of home made porridge, followed by some "chee cheong fun" and "char siew pau". Unfortunately though, halfway through lunch he gave a loud belch and proceeded to throw up on himself. Luckily I managed to "save" him by having most of his lunch on my cupped palms . Anyhow, it was grandma to the rescue as she gave him a set of new clothes for his birthday. So we opened her present and fortunately was required only changed his pants as his shirt was still ok.
he is sooo happy...the cake is nice too...
wah... he so happy...
pst pst, the cake do look similar lar... is it from mdm lee ar????
happy birthday aiden!!! he's sooo happy eh
Lucky are just so loved by so many people...
love the layer jelly cake!! I tried to do that, but sadly, my attempt failed miserably :(
is the cake nice to eat?
Happy Birthday Aiden...gosh the last pic is sooo cute!
Hey.. congratulations.. Heard from May Yee.. so I came a visiting.
And Happy belated Birthday to Aidan too.
I always buy those jelly cake from the tmn desa aunty also. But she never let anyone step up her stairways. Weird. Keeping her secret recipe tight eh.
Happy Birthday, Aiden.
Happy belated birthday handsome guy!
Do you still remember the 08.08.08 tag?
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